Thursday, August 23, 2012

This is what I know

Before I begin with what I know, let me tell you a bit about my day.  Currently I am leaning back in the recliner, knees bent and feet tucked snuggly into the spot between the chair and the foot rest.  Do you know what spot I am talking about?  I like to dig my heels in there with my toes up in the air.  My house is a bit cool, but it gets stuffy if I turn off the fan so I have my grey throw covering me and I am in my granny gown.  It is a very ugly, unattractive, the wrong color for me, horribly stained gown.  But---it covers me up and its comfy.  It's a gown so not like I am going to go in public with it, so ugly works for me.  When Mr. Looks Good in Wranglers is home, I dress nice for him all day long, then about dark-thirty I look at him and say, "I look sexy right?  I looked sexy all day?" He nods his head yes or grabs me for a kiss (I swoon when he does this!) Then I say (after the blood rushes back to all the right places and I am not light headed any more over the swooning), "okay going to put on my granny gown.  Just remember how hot I looked before"  He chuckles and says he will and I get comfy.  I say all of that to say....I deserve my moment this morning in my granny gown after my day yesterday.  But through my day yesterday I discovered "this is what I know"

I was up early for a phone interview.  I was awesome.  They offered me a job.  Robert told me to say no.  I sent her an email.  The hours and the pay were horrible.  The day before I had gotten so frustrated with job hunting, I drove to Midland, got my college transcript and drove home.  Was in Midland for 7 minutes.  Midland is 2hrs away.  I decided I was NOT taking off a year and just going back to school.  I am going crazy here at the house and need out!  Plus I have dreams and goals and going to school is part of those. 

Back to yesterday.  Up early, phone interview at 9a, then shower.  Suddenlink guy was due between 10-12.  After shower and getting dressed, Suddenlink guy showed up and changed out our modem.  He hung around an extra 20min listening to Lyns and J and I all talk and watch me tag J in the back with a shoe...his shoe.  (no I am not abusive.  The child is 6ft 2 and weighs 280lbs and is ONLY 14yrs old, besides we were playing around.)  So he leaves and we get Drake so we can take Drake to work.  Alex, Jacob and Lyns all ride as well.  So off we go.  We take Drake to work.  "Bye, Drake! Love you"  Drake mumbles and all is well in the world.  I needed gas so I filled up and then bought drinks.  I'm awesome like that.  We took off. 

I needed to go and take the transcript to my new college.  Mapquest said it was about 20min away and down this road.  We take off.  We laugh, we talk, we actually find the place, after driving around for a bit.  I go in.  Lines are short.  I like short lines.  I give the nice little guy my transcript. He puts it in the system.  We discover we need to go to Levelland (small town another 20min from where I was) So off we go.

By this time J is snoring.  I tell Alex to hit him.  I meant as in slightly nudge.  Alex hits him...what's a brother for?  And J sleeps through it.  Snoring...L.o.u.d.l.y.  We follow the directions and discover a new town in Texas, that is after driving through Opdyke West, Tx.  Population 114.  I have no clue the history of that town, but I assure I shall google. 

We get to the school.  Get pointed in the right direction and then find the line.  We get in THE LINE.  It was not short by any means.  Not short at all!  By this time it is 1:15p.  Lyns and J stayed in the suburban (windows down because I am nice that way!) Alex and I wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Finally get inside the building and that is when the fun began.

We are shuffled to a room, where we wait.  I tell them my major, I meet one of my Profs.  We begin to register me for classes.  Awesome.  Well until I have a block.  So out we go and into another line.  We wait.  Yep, my stuff is there, not sure why you are blocked.  Go see that guy.  Another line.  Yep, my stuff is there, not sure why you are blocked.  Go see the registar.  Registar is the college god and fixes my stuff.  Back to classroom to finish adding classes.  Drop a class to add correct class (same class just different day and time) but hey, guess what, I am blocked again. got it, back in line for the registar (at least I could skip the middle man this time)  He fixes it.  All is well.  Schedule is printed (by the way it is now 3pm) We head to financial aid.  I have what I need, so off I go.  Find book store.  Get my books for 4, count them, one, two, three, four classes (not five or six, but only four) and spend $664 on books.  And a pair of goggles.  I know I will look hot in those.  Then we go and get my ID. and my parking pass.  By this time it is 3:45 and I am bit overwhelmed and tired. 

Just in case you are wondering my four classes:  Pre-Algerbra (I suck at math) History of Geology (awesome!!!)  History from 1877 to now.  (yawn) and Chemistry.  Not intro to Chemistry but the freaking class itself.  Shall I panic?? OH probably!! LOL  So basically 2 history classes and 2 math classes.  My brain already hurts. Bad!

After a quick slide through Taco Bell we headed back to Lubbock and stopped at the library and now:

This is what I know

I know I can breathe easier in a library.  I know I love wondering up and down every aisle looking at books.  I know seeing a book called, "Animal names" written by a person named "Boone" cracks me up because my dog's name is Boone.  I know children running amuck through a library bugs me.  Bugs me bad.  I know I never check out political books.  Not even the ones on Kennedy, Reagan or another president we have ever had.  I know I randomly choose books, based on their cover.  I know I enjoy wandering up and down aisles with Alex.  He chats, I spy books, he carries them.  I know I love reading both adult and children's books.  I know some times I need a simple answer and children's books have them.  I know my Scotty Dog did not read the book on Scotty Dogs and now that I have checked out one, she must have read a different dog book.  I know she is not what that book said she would be.  I know when I read the book to Mia, the Scotty, I left out some info or changed the bad info to be good info....I didn't want Mia to know exactly what was in the book.  I know I always check out one finacial book, usually never actually read but just skimmed through.  Yesterday's choice, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"  I am neither rich, nor poor, nor a dad, but I did have a dream last night I had 38 million in my bank account.  That's pretty awesome.  I know screaming kids make me want to find a wooden spoon while in the library.  I know I should never have any more children as I am no longer patient with small ones.  I know I will check out books on money, Scotty dogs, self help, some humor and a few fiction books.  I know if I say we need to leave the library at 4:50 in order to go and pick up Drake from work, we will not leave until 5:05 and I will have a mother panic attack and Drake will look like a little lost soul walking back and forth in front of his place of employment because I am never late.  And I know life is good when I bring home a stack of books.  I know reading is the one thing that keeps me grounded and sane.  Well maybe not totally sane but I know I can always check out a book on mental conditions and self-help myself. 

So that's what I know.......

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